Christensen, H. B., Hansen, K. M., & Lindstrøm, B. (2010, August). Lightweight and continuous architectural software quality assurance using the asqa technique. In European Conference on Software Architecture (pp. 118-132). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. In this paper, we present a novel technique for assessing and prioritizing architectural quality in large-scale software development projects. The technique can be applied with relatively little effort by software architects and thus suited for agile development in which quality attributes can be assessed and prioritized, e.g., within each development sprint. We outline the processes and metrics embodied in the technique, and report initial experiences on the benefits and liabilities. In conclusion, the technique is considered valuable and a viable tool, and has benefits in an architectural, technical, context, as well as in a business and people context.
Axelsson, J., & Skoglund, M. (2016). Quality assurance in software ecosystems: A systematic literature mapping and research agenda. Journal of Systems and Software, 114, 69-81. Software ecosystems are becoming a common model for software development in which different actors cooperate around a shared platform. However, it is not clear what the implications are on software quality when moving from a traditional approach to an ecosystem, and this is becoming increasingly important as ecosystems emerge in critical domains such as embedded applications. Therefore, this paper investigates the challenges related to quality assurance in software ecosystems, and identifies what approaches have been proposed in the literature. The research method used is a systematic literature mapping, which however only resulted in a small set of six papers. The literature findings are complemented with a constructive approach where areas are identified that merit further research, resulting in a set of research topics that form a research agenda for quality assurance in software ecosystems. The agenda spans the entire system life-cycle, and focuses on challenges particular to an ecosystem setting, which are mainly the results of the interactions across organizational borders, and the dynamic system integration being controlled by the users.
Lim, A. P., Thenuardi, D. S., Soewito, B., & Antonyova, A. (2020, August). Survey on quality assurance testing on service oriented architecture. In 2020 international conference on information management and technology (ICIMTech) (pp. 443-447). IEEE. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has greatly influenced the world of software development with the proposed combination of business process and application (service). Ensuring that correct implementation of business process in each service in SOA environment is quite different than monolithic applications, where each service must be tested independently and jointly, depending on targeted testing scope. With numerous proposed approaches for solving such challenge, this paper reviews some of those approaches to ease readers understanding of what can be done in testing in SOA environment. More specifically, this paper provides review on generic proposed approaches, unit testing, and integration testing approaches as part of quality assurance testing on SOA environment. In summary, the details of testing implementation will differ for each enterprise/organization as each has different set of requirements to satisfy.
Lean Learning - Applying Lean Techniques to Improve Software Engineering Education por Robert Chatley e T. Field. Este artigo discute como um programa no Imperial College London foi desenvolvido para preencher a lacuna entre o aprendizado acadêmico e as práticas de engenharia de software industrial. Ele fornece insights sobre a estrutura e a evolução do programa, centrado nas ferramentas, técnicas e questões que fazem parte do dia a dia de um desenvolvedor profissional que trabalha em uma equipe moderna.
Software quality assurance in Scrum: The need for concrete guidance on SQA strategies in meeting user expectations por Tiisetso Khalane e M. Tanner. Este estudo identifica e apresenta as preocupações dos stakeholders do projeto em relação ao Software Quality Assurance (SQA) em um ambiente Scrum. Ele revela os conceitos de SQA relacionados à principal preocupação de atender às expectativas do usuário e discute a falta de orientação concreta sobre estratégias, ferramentas e técnicas de SQA no Scrum.
Assuring the Evolvability of Microservices: Insights into Industry Practices and Challenges por J. Bogner, J. Fritzsch, S. Wagner e A. Zimmermann. Este artigo discute a garantia da evolubilidade dos Microsserviços e os desafios enfrentados na indústria. Ele fornece insights sobre os processos de garantia de evolubilidade aplicados, o uso de ferramentas, métricas e padrões e reflexões sobre o tema.
Software Architecture Decision-Making Practices and Challenges: An Industrial Case Study por Sandun Dasanayake, Jouni Markkula, Sanja Aaramaa e M. Oivo. Este artigo estuda as atuais práticas de tomada de decisão de arquitetura de software na indústria. Ele identifica diferentes práticas de tomada de decisão de arquitetura de software seguidas pelas equipes de software e discute os desafios associados a elas.
Quality Assurance in Scrum Applied to Safety Critical Software por G. Hanssen, Børge Haugset, T. Stålhane, T. Myklebust, Ingar Kulbrandstad. Este artigo discute os mecanismos de garantia de qualidade no Scrum e como eles podem ser insuficientes em certos casos, necessitando de tarefas adicionais para uma função interna de controle de qualidade da equipe. PDF
Towards Assurance-Driven Architectural Decomposition of Software Systems: Este artigo apresenta uma meta-arquitetura 4-dimensional que separa artefatos computacionais, de coordenação e de software com estado desde o início o estágio de projeto para facilitar a garantia e para uma integração harmoniosa das ferramentas de garantia no Ciclo de Vida de Desenvolvimento de Software (SDLC).
Quality Assurance for Microservice Architectures: Uma visão geral da garantia de qualidade para arquiteturas de microsserviços é fornecida e alguns cheiros arquitetônicos e antipadrão são mostrados.
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